• All users who have: Advertising Permissions
  • This is applicable to: All Themes

  • Admin Access to: Google DFP or your approved ad manager

  • The app can support different pre-rolls for each stream
  • You will need to provide a video pre-roll url from your Ad Manager
  • SoCast does not offer support for your Ad Manager, or ad creation or verification. Please contact your ad manager support team for assistance with creating ads and troubleshooting.

The SoCast mobile app supports video pre-roll ads before the stream starts playing. You'll need to create and manage these within your Ad Manager (e.g. Google Ad Manager)

For support and assistance on how to create these ads and line items visit: https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/1406467?hl=en and/or your ad manager support team.

What you'll need:

Choose 1 of the following options.

A video - You'll need the video pre-roll you're looking to use. If it's not in MP4, you can simply import it into your movie editing software and convert it to m4v, or use a tool like Handbrake, which is a lightweight tool that converts videos for you. Once you have a video in m4v format, you can skip to Step 4 and add it straight to Google DFP. 

MP3 audio of the ad and a static image to use - If you have audio pre-roll, you can still use this if you create a movie with an accompanying image. If you have the mp3 file and the image you wish to show alongside the ad, you can create an audio pre-roll ad in your movie-editing software.

Once your ad has been created within your ad manager, you can then go to:

  1. Mobile App > Mobile App Settings (Legacy) > Advertising
  2.  Fill in the Video Pre-Roll URL (VAST2)
  3. Click 'Save'.