• All users who have: Manage Local Listings, Manage Local Listings Settings
  • This is applicable to all SoCast Themes

  • Must have already purchased the Local Listings product (If you would like this product, please speak with your Account Manager)

The Listing Categories settings are where you will configure the categories and subcategories that can be applied to listings.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Name: The name of your category, how it appears on your site. For example Real Estate.
  2. Slug: The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. (Ex. real-estate)
  3. Parent Category: Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. For example, Real Estate would be the parent term for Condos/Lofts, House For Sale
  4. Description: Enter a description for the category or directory. The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it. (Ex. Browse or post free and paid ads for real estate classifieds)

Below are some common classifieds categories and sub categories with descriptions:

  1. Real Estate: Browse or post free and paid ads for real estate classifieds.
    1. Office & Commercial
    2. Condos/Lofts
    3. Home For Sale By Owner
    4. Townhouses/Duplexes
    5. House for Sale
  2. Auto Listings: Browse or post great deals on new and used cars and trucks.
  3. Announcements: Browse or post obituary, birth, wedding or engagement announcements
    1. Obituaries
    2. Births
    3. Wedding & Engagements
  4. Lost & Found: Search for or post items you've lost or found.

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