The goals of quick registration is increasing user engagement with the content on the desktop and mobile-responsive websites by:

This change allows visitors to temporarily sign-up for the site without validating their email, allowing them to:

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Settings > Membership

  2. Choose either full sign up or quick sign up

  3. Create a Call to Action encouraging users to sign up

  4. Pick a colour for the Sign Up button from the drop-down menu

  5. Select a pre-set time for user to receive a Member Validation reminder email

  6. Enable or disable the Email Validation Reminder Bar
  7. Customize Member Validation, Validation Reminder, and Account Activation emails
  8. Click Save


  1. Can the activation link or code be used? 
    Yes, either will be accepted 
  2. Does user have to supply additional information in their settings profile?
    This isn't mandatory unless they sign up for a contest. Location and birthday information will be saved in their profile

  3. Can people comment anonymously?
    Users can use a fake email, however comment moderation settings still apply
  4. What should be in the Call to Action? 
    It's recommended that you briefly outline to users why they should join as a member of the website
  5. Is it possible to set up an email list to send out offers to members?
    Please contact us at for more information
  6. What's the difference between clicking 'Log in with Facebook' and 'Connect with Facebook?'
    Clicking 'Connect with Facebook' will redirect the user to a profile settings page in which they can review their information
  7. How often will the Email Validation Reminder Bar appear?
    Although users can close it, the bar will appear every time they enter a new page

Stations can further drive membership growth by featuring additional calls to action using:

  1. Branded, promotional images linking to the sign up form embedded on pages, blog posts, in the side bar, or in a feature rotator
  2. Branded, in-house ads linking to the sign up form using the available ad inventory on the desktop website, mobile website
  3. Branded, in-house banner ads, activity stream promo posts, and splash screens on the mobile app
  4. Branded, promotional social posts linking to the the sign up form
  5. Contests designed to drive new membership, and collect more data from existing members
  6. "VIP" member loyalty program or campaign

You may also want to use visual panels to communicate related information, tips or things users need to be aware of.

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