• All users who have 'Promotions' permissions
  • This is applicable to all SoCast Themes

  • Manage past or current contests
  • Create a variety of contest types
  • Easily add your own designs
  • Select the contest stages and details
  • Setup the entry requirements
  • Add your legal or choose from templates

All contests require that the following be filled in before allowing it to be published to the website:

  1. Details/Content
  2. Contest Flow
  3. Design
  4. Entry Requirements
  5. Legal

You can create various different kinds of contests in the SoCast platform such as: photo, video, music, story, trivia and sweepstakes. Contests are a critical part of engaging users and advertisers, as well as building a website membership. A targeted promotion with the right offer can lead to a viral event, substantial traffic increases, and next-level sponsorship opportunities