• All users who have a SoCast account (Login & Password)
  • This is applicable to all SoCast Themes

  1. You will need the Login & Password for your Facebook account.
  2. We recommend creating a Facebook account that is used for work purposes only.
  3. This account should be made an admin on any Facebook pages that you will need to post to.

These are the instructions for adding a Facebook Profile to your personal account. You will need to do this in order to post to Facebook through the social publisher tool.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log In at: admin.socastsrm.com
  2. Go to: Social > Social Settings
  3. Under Facebook, click the [Connect With Facebook] button
  4. You will then be asked to sign into your personal Facebook account (you can use a work Facebook account if you wish)
  5. Once signed in you will be asked to authorize the SoCast Facebook App
  6. You will need to click 'yes' or 'allow' to all of the prompts
  7. Skipping these permissions will result in abnormal operation of the software.
  8. You should now see your Facebook profile picture and name, as well as the pages associated to your account, under your social settings
  9. Click the [Save] button