Member Experience: Editing A Listing

Below are instructions on how to create and edit submitted local listings

Step-By-Step Guide (General)

  1. Login to your member account (by clicking on the member icon) on the website.
  2. Once logged in, click on 'Settings'
  3. Once in settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page to 'Manage Listings'
  4. Here you can add a new listing, manage your listings, go to favorites, or to classifieds payment history

Step-By-Step Guide (Creating A Storm Closures Listing)

How to create a storm closure listing (i.e. adding a school or business): 

  1. Login with the membership login tool
  2. Go to 'Manage Listings'
  3. Click 'Add New Listings'
  4. Choose the correct listing category for where you want the listing to appear (i.e Storm Closures)
  5. Fill in the rest of the listing details
  6. Once submitted, you should see your listing.
  7. You'll get an email letting you know your listing has been submitted, and an email for when it's been approved.

Step-By-Step Guide (Editing A Storm Closures Listing)

  1. Login with the membership login tool
  2. Go to 'Manage Listings'
  3. Click 'Edit' beside the listing
  4. Edit the listing details
  5. Click 'save' changes'

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.