PromoSuite Contest List Element

This Article Is For:

  • All users who have access to one/all of the following: pages, blogs, contests, and sidebars
  • This is applicable to: All Themes


  • Must have previously been a PromoSuite client
  • Must have the PromoSuite Contest Listing XML URL


  • To find the feed URL for Contest Listings, Contest Rules, Event Listings, Storm Closings & Contest Winner Listings log into your PromoSuite Next Platform and go to Digital > Content Feeds menu, and then select your option

These the instructions for filling out the 'PromoSuite Contest List' element. Once this element is added to a page, blog etc it will display any contests that are provided in the XML URL.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Widget Name: This is the name of the widget showing in the Drag-And-Drop Editor. It will not be displayed on the website.
  2. Display Title: Choose whether you’d like to have the title displayed by clicking “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu
  3. PromoSuite Contest Listing XML URL: This URL provides the contest listing from PromoSuite Next. Contact PromoSuite's customer service for assistance with finding this URL for your account.
  4. Layout: Choose from 1 of the following contesting layouts:
    1. Horizontal Small Display
    2. Horizontal Display
    3. Vertical Display
    4. Card
  5. Minimum Column Width: In pixels. Use 0 (zero) for 1 column display. Minimum width determines the number of columns that can appear in the available content area or mobile screen width. e.g. If set to 300, the content displays in 2 columns in a 700px area and in 1 column on a 320px wide mobile screen.
  6. Extra Class Name: If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.