Heading Settings

This Article Is For:

  • All users who have the 'Manage Website Settings' permission
  • This is applicable to: all SoCast Themes

These instructions are for creating headings and titles to be used with the 'Header Text' element/widget. Most often headings are used to create sections on a page. (i.e Breaking News, Social Media etc) You can also configure custom font styles, colors, borders, etc.

Step By Step Guide

  1. Go to: https://admin.socastsrm.com/website/headings
  2. If you want to create a header text style for a 'Title', click 'enable' under 'Use Custom Style'.
  3. If you want to create a header text style for a 'Heading', click 'enable' under 'Use Custom Style'. You can create up to 3 custom 'Headings' styles.
  4. Once you have chosen 'enable' fill in the rest of the required theme settings for the Title or Heading.
  5. Font: Select a font from the drop-down. Defaults to "Font" setting in theme settings.
  6. Font Size: Choose a font size. (e.g. 24px, 1.5em, 125%) Leave blank to use default theme heading styles.
  7. Font Color: Using the color wheel, select a font hex color. Inherits from 'Default Text Color' in theme settings. Set to 'inherit' to use default color.
  8. Font Alignment: Using the drop-down choose a font alignment. Choose from left, center, right.
  9. Header Background Color: Using the color wheel, select a header background hex color. Default color is transparent. Set to 'transparent' to use default color.
  10. Header Border Style: Using the drop-down select a 'Header Border Style'. Choose from none, solid, dotted, dashed.
  11. Header Left/Right Padding: Choose a header left/right padding size. (e.g. 2px, 2em)
  12. Header Top/Bottom Padding: Choose a header top/bottom padding size. (e.g. 2px, 2em)
  13. Header Top Margin: Choose a header top margin size. (e.g. 2px, 2em). Leave blank to use default theme heading styles.
  14. Header Bottom Margin: Choose a header bottom margin size. (e.g. 2px, 2em). Leave blank to use default theme heading styles.

Title Example:

Heading Example: