SoCast Ad Extension (DSP)- Placing Tracking Pixels

This Article Is For:

  • Clients who are already registered with SoCast Ad Extension


  • Must have already spoken with an Ad Sales representative (if you are interested in Ad Extension, please reach out to

Step-By-Step Guide

These are the Instructions for SoCast Clients participating in SoCast Ad Exchange (DSP)

If you're interested in learning more or participating in SoCast Ad Exchange (DSP) please contact your SoCast Account Manager or Sales Executive

For help with SoCast Ad Exchange please email 

When participating in Programmatic Advertising campaigns, the need to place tracking Pixels on your website or your advertising clients website may be required to obtain optimal reporting analytics on your campaign.

Below are a few examples of types of tracking Pixels you may be provided to utilize and where you should place those specific Pixels in your SoCast Website.

What are Tracking Pixels?

A pixel is piece of scripting code (it can be JavaScript, iFrame, image tag, or otherwise), that is placed on the pages of a website to record activity. It acts as a tracking communication mechanism between a visitor’s activity and an advertiser’s system. Upon each firing of a pixel, activity is recorded in an advertiser’s system – this denotes a desired action was completed. Firing in digital advertising terms tells us the scripted code was properly implemented.
There are many ways to use pixel tracking depending on the goal of the campaign.

Re-Targeting Pixel

Sample Pixel Code that would be provided by the Ad Partner Client Services: 

<script src="" type="text/javascript" async  ></script>

This Pixel should be placed in your Website FOOTER.

You can do this by navigating through the following;

  1. From the SoCast Platform
  2. Click Settings
  3. Website Settings
  4. Scroll down to Custom Footer HTML 
  5. Paste provided Pixel code in the box
  6. Click Save

Conversion Pixel

Sample Pixel Code that would be provided by the Ad Partner Client Services: 

<script src="" type="text/javascript" async  ></script>

This Pixel should be placed on the web page where the site visitor would land after converting through your call to action.

Ex. Your Call to Action is for site visitors to 'Click to Register' - this conversion pixel would be placed on the registration page where the site visitor would land after clicking the button.

If your call to action (button) was on your website and the registration would take place on your Advertising Clients website, the conversion pixel should be placed on your advertising clients website.

To place a conversion pixel on your SoCast Website;

  1. From the SoCast Platform navigation Click 'Website'
  2. From the drop down navigation click 'Pages'
  3. Select the specific Page where the conversion will take place (i.e. Registration Page)
  4. Click ' + ' to Add Element to the page
  5. Add 'Raw HTML' Element (widget) to the page 
  6. Copy provided Pixel Code and paste it into the Raw HTML Element(widget) settings box and click 'Save Changes'
  7. Click 'Publish'/'Update' on the page 

Time Delay Pixel

Sample Pixel Code that would be provided by the Ad Partner Client Services: 

<script type="text/javascript" >
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var s = document.createElement("script");
 s.async = true;

This Pixel should be placed on the web page where the site visitor would land to make the conversion.

To place a Time Delay Pixel on your SoCast Website:

  1. From the SoCast Platform navigation Click 'Website'
  2. From the drop down navigation click 'Pages'
  3. Select the specific Page where the conversion will take place (i.e. Registration Page)
  4. Click ' + ' to Add Element to the page
  5. Add 'Raw HTML' Element (widget) to the page 
  6. Copy provided Pixel Code and paste it into the Raw HTML Element(widget) settings box and click 'Save Changes'
  7. Click 'Publish'/'Update' on the page 

Click Conversion Pixel on a Button

Sample Pixel Code that would be provided by the Ad Partner Client Services: 

<script src="" type="text/javascript" async ></script>

This Pixel should be placed on a Button element where your site visitor would complete the Call to Action (i.e. Click Here To Enter)

To place the Click Conversion Pixel on a Button;

  1. From the SoCast Platform Click 'Website'
  2. From the drop down navigation click 'Pages'
  3. Select the specific Page where the web traffic is promoted to and the click conversion will take place and a button will be placed.
  4. Click ' + ' to Add Element to the page
  5. Add the 'Button' Element (widget) to the page
  6. In the Button Settings window enter the Text you wish to appear on your Button (ex. Click Here To Register)
  7. Add the Target URL for where you want the user to land once the button is clicked (this can be another page on your SoCast website OR a third party URL but should be complete with https:// )
  8. Adjust other styling settings to your liking
  9. In the 'Extra Class Name' field enter a single word as descriptor in the code in future steps. Must be single word, no spaces or punctuation (ex. register)
  10. Click Save Changes
  11. Click ' + ' to Add Element to the page
  12. Add the 'Raw HTML ' Element (widget) to the very bottom of the page (important this widget is the very last widget placed on the page)
  13. In the Raw HTML Widget settings you will copy/paste the entire following code into the box;

<script type="text/javascript">
(function(pixelKey) {
try {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = '//'+pixelKey+'?';
script.async = true;
} catch(e) {};

14. ORANGE this is where you will enter the single word you entered in the button 'extra class name' in step 9 above. (Note all characters surrounding the word register must be present for the code to function properly)

15. PINKthis is the numerical value as part of the Pixel that was provided to you (see Sample Pixel Code at the beginning of these instructions. Ensure all characters surrounding the numbers are included)

16. Click Save Changes

17. Click Publish/Update to push these changes live to your front end website

Using a Click Conversion Pixel on a SoCast Website Contest Page

The below code can be used to track conversions on the 'Submit' button on a contest page, on a SoCast website.

Using the below code snippet, adjust the pixel key to contain your specific pixel code information (below is for EXAMPLE Purposes only)

After adjusting the pixel key, copy the entire code below and paste it into the Raw JS widget at the bottom of the contest page then update the contest page.

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#submitBtn').click(function() { var pixelKey = '5520331730565689344'; try { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = ''+pixelKey+'?'; script.async = true; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(script); console.log("Acuity tracking key fired", pixelKey); } catch(e) {}; }); }); </script>