Why Didn't I Receive A Push Notification?

This Article Is For:

  • All Users Who Have: Mobile App Permissions & Push Notification Permissions
  • This Is Applicable To: All Themes

There are many reasons why you may not have received a mobile app push notification. Below are some of these reasons and troubleshooting steps you can take.

Step-by-step guide

  1. App Upgrade: SoCast suggests that you always make sure you have the most recent version of your station’s app from the iTunes or Google Play Store. App releases often include bug fixes and new functionalities that may affect app notifications.
  2. Push Notifications Turned Off At Device Level: Ensure that the app is allowing push notifications to come through by following the opposite of the instructions below (track down the app, and ensure notifications are turned ON):
    1. Android (Applies for all OS versions): http://pocketnow.com/2012/07/16/how-to-turn-off-individual-application-notifications-in-android-jelly-bean
    2. iOShttp://www.solveyourtech.com/how-to-turn-off-individual-app-notifications-in-ios-9/
  3. Push Notifications For The App Are Disabled: Please check to make sure you have notifications turned on for push notifications. To do this follow the steps below:
    1. Open app
    2. Go to: Menu
    3. Go to: Settings
    4. Enable Notifications: if this is turned off, have them slide it to the right to turn on
  4. WIFI/Data Usage: Often WIFI usage can be the cause of not receiving a push notification.
    1. This can be due to the wifi signal being weak or being blocked by the building you're in.
    2. If you do not receive push notifications while on WIFI please test using mobile data.
  5. If You Are Using An iOS Device: Apple has stated that it cannot guarantee that all push notifications will be received. For more information please refer to the following articles:
    1. https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201925
    2. https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT203609

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